The scale of Champagne Sweetness

Brut Nature
(a.k.a. Brut Zero) 0–2 calories 0-3 g/l Residual Sugar (RS) is equivalent to less than 1/6 teaspoon sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. A total of 91–93 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.
Extra Brut
0–5 calories 0-6 g/l RS is equivalent to less than ¼ teaspoon sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. A total of 91–96 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.
0–7 calories 0-12 g/l RS is equivalent to less than ½ teaspoon sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. A total of 91–98 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.
Extra Dry
7–10 calories 12-17 g/l RS is equivalent to ½–¾ teaspoon sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. A total of 98–101 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.
10–20 calories 17-32 g/l RS is equivalent to ¾-1 teaspoon sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. A total of 101–111 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.
20-30 calories 32-50 g/l RS is equivalent to 1–2 teaspoons sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. A total of 111–121 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.
over 30 calories 50+ g/l RS is equivalent to over 2 teaspoons sugar per 5 oz/150 ml serving. More than 121 calories per serving of 12 % ABV sparkling wine.

Brut has a lot of wiggle room in sweetness, whereas Extra Brut and Brut Nature are very focused in their sugar content. So, if you want to keep it on the dry side, opt for Extra Brut or Brut Nature if it’s available.

” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />Champagne Sweetness Levels Illustrated by Wine Folly

Where does the sweetness come from?

Brut Champagne is a level of sweetness in sparkling wine. The sweetness comes from a step in the Champagne making process called “dosage” (“doe-sazj”) which is when a small amount of sugar or grape must is added back into the wine before corking the bottle. Because sparkling wine is traditionally very acidic, the purpose of this sweetness is to reduce the intensity of tartness.

You can think of it like adding a little sugar to coffee to “round out” the flavor.

Over time, sparkling wine producers realized that people’s sweetness preference varied and this is why there are several options. from Brut Nature has no added sugar and Doux has 50 or more grams per liter of residual sugar–equivalent to just over 2 teaspoons of sugar per glass.

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